The world's most cost-effective fire sprinkler pipe: Corrosion (MIC)-Preventing Steel Fire Sprinkler Pipes in Wet Sprinkler Systems

With our corrosion (MIC) warranty, we guarantee that the lifespan of steel fire sprinkler pipes will be extended by more than three times, resulting in the lowest average annual cost worldwide. 

WhatsApp: +886-926860875 

  How to Benefit You with Our Corrosion (MIC)-Preventing Steel Fire Sprinkler Pipes in Wet Sprinkler Systems?

  1. For end users, our corrosion (MIC) warranty guarantees that the lifespan of steel fire sprinkler pipes will be extended by more than three times, resulting in the lowest average annual cost and minimal maintenance expenses worldwide. Therefore, our pipes are the most cost-effective in the world.

  2. For fire protection companies, our company has exclusive manufacturing capabilities, adopts a regional exclusive franchise system, and uniquely offers a corrosion warranty, ensuring that your company will face no competitors in the market. As a result, the long-term profit from installing our steel pipes will be higher compared to installing traditional steel pipes

  3. For steel pipe distributors, you can divide the authorized exclusive region granted by our company into several sub-regions. In each sub-region, you only sell to one fire protection company, ensuring that this company has no competitors in that sub-region. This will increase the fire protection company's profits, making them more willing to prioritize selling our Corrosion (MIC)-Preventing Steel Fire Sprinkler Pipes. Distributors are only responsible for import and inventory.

  We offer a 15-Year Corrosion Warranty: Corrosion caused by MIC leads to pipe leakage within 12 to 15 years. This means that if there is no pipe leakage within 15 years of use, leaks due to MIC will not occur. Therefore, if no leakage happens during our warranty period, it indicates that the pipes will not leak in the future and the pipes can last for 50 to 70 years, similar to the lifespan of steel pipes several decades ago, before the impact of MIC.

   Manufacturing Corrosion (MIC)-Preventing Steel Fire Sprinkler Pipes is a complex and meticulous process. If even one small step is incorrect, the pipes will lose their ability to prevent MIC. We have invested a great deal of time and money in continuous research and development, and after extensive testing, we finally developed steel pipes that truly prevent MIC, solving one of the most challenging problems in the global firefighting industry. Therefore, we have great confidence in our product and can guarantee its MIC prevention capabilities without any doubt, offering a 15-year corrosion warranty, which is unmatched in the industry.

  The only one in the world that truly prevents corrosion and withstands high temperatures.

  While many fire sprinkler pipes on the market claim to be corrosion-resistant, they either have poor corrosion resistance or cannot withstand high temperatures. Moreover, they do not dare to offer a corrosion warranty for up to 15 years.

  For example, adding additives to the water in fire sprinkler pipes can lead to numerous issues such as high costs, high maintenance costs, inability to kill all anaerobic bacteria, decreased efficiency due to various factors, damage to fire systems, presence of debris in the steel pipes, and environmental pollution caused by additives.

  For example, applying anti-MIC coatings inside the steel fire sprinkler pipe often leads to a significant decrease in corrosion resistance due to factors such as a variety of anaerobic bacteria, uneven application, and degradation over time, rendering them ineffective against MIC.

  Similarly, fire sprinkler pipes made from corrosion-resistant materials such as CPVC or stainless steel are not capable of withstanding high temperatures, leaving the fire protection system vulnerable to destruction in the event of a fire.  

  Furthermore, our pipes directly prevent the growth of anaerobic bacteria, which are the cause of MIC (Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion), providing a more comprehensive solution. In contrast, ECS's Nitrogen Inerting system (WPNI) focuses on oxygen removal but still leaves 2% of oxygen. This helps mitigate partial oxygen corrosion, but it does not effectively target anaerobic bacteria. Therefore, our pipes are better suited for complete MIC prevention.

  We have finally produced the only fire sprinkler pipe, both theoretically and practically, that can alleviate the troubles of corrosion, including Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) and Oxygen Corrosion, and withstand high temperatures during a fire. This revolutionary product can safeguard wet sprinkler systems from corrosion-induced blockages and water leaks, thereby significantly extending their operational lifespan. Building owners no longer need to worry about issues with wet sprinkler systems.

  Our Corrosion-Preventing steel fire sprinkler pipes (external galvanized/internal black steel fire sprinkler pipes with no debris inside) have the following competitive advantages:

  1. The Only Solution for Almost 100% MIC Prevention in wet sprinkler systems: By utilizing our capability to remove and prevent debris, inside the pipes, and rapidly exhausting the oxygen in the trapped air, we can almost 100% prevent the growth of aerobic bacteria, thus almost 100% preventing MIC. Please refer to the following description for How do our pipes prevent MIC.
  2. The only fire sprinkler pipe that can prevent corrosion and withstand high temperatures: No need to compromise for CPVC pipes or stainless steel pipes because although they are corrosion-resistant, they cannot withstand high temperatures.
  3. Ensure the proper operation of fire systems: The byproducts generated by MIC can clog steel pipes and sprinklers, potentially causing the fire system to malfunction in the event of a fire, resulting in loss of life and property. By using our steel pipes, MIC formation is prevented, allowing the fire system to function correctly in case of a fire.
  4. Prevent property damage due to leaks: MIC corrodes steel pipes, leading to leaks that can damage the contents beneath the pipes and result in property loss.
  5. Extend the lifespan of your fire system by at least three times: Schedule 10 steel pipes corroded by MIC become unusable after 12-15 years of use. With our Corrosion-Preventing steel fire sprinkler pipes, which do not generate MIC or Oxygen Corrosion, they can last for 50-70 years or more. In the early days when MIC was not an issue, the typical lifespan of fire steel pipes was approximately 50-70 years.
  6. Saving a significant amount of money in the long term: Utilizing our pipes for an extended duration results in the lowest overall cost. When considering the long-term expenses associated with maintaining a fire sprinkler system, our Corrosion-resistant fire sprinkler pipes can lead to savings equivalent to the cost of at least two complete replacements due to MIC corrosion. This includes the expenses related to steel pipes, sprinkler head processing, dismantling, and installation.
  7. Aesthetic steel pipes: Because the steel pipes are coated with zinc on the outside, they are highly attractive and suitable for use in exposed fire sprinkler systems.
  8. By using thinner piping, we can lower costs without compromising on quality or safety. Thinner piping is less expensive to manufacture and transport, and requires less labor to install.
  9. Minimal maintenance costs: Because our steel pipes do not corrode, they require minimal upkeep and repairs, saving you time and money in the long term.
  10. Eco-friendly: Using our steel pipes can earn you credits in LEED and BREEAM because our steel pipes possess the following features: using materials with longer life spans, utilizing our schedule 7 thin steel pipes can reduce steel consumption, and since our steel pipes are made of steel, they enable the reuse of building materials.
  11. Remove and prevent any debris on the interior of the pipe: Debris is a necessary factor causing MIC, and without debris, there is no MIC. Please refer to the following description for How do our pipes prevent MIC.
  12. No internal galvanized coating: Having zinc on the inside of the steel pipe can lead to corrosion of the interior wall after water is introduced, so we ensure that there is no zinc present inside the steel pipe.
  13. No pollution: Because only water is contained inside our steel pipes, there is no environmental pollution caused by additives.
  14. Stable effectiveness: The corrosion-preventing effect of our product is not affected by factors such as pipeline materials, water quality, and environmental conditions.
  15. Non-damaging to pipeline materials: Since only water is present inside our steel pipes without any additives, it does not affect the pipeline materials.

  If you have any questions about our product, please contact us. 
WhatsApp: +886-926860875 

  Our company is a Corrosion-preventing steel fire sprinkler pipe manufacturer that sells directly to customers at the best prices.

  Manufacturing Corrosion (MIC)-Preventing Steel Fire Sprinkler Pipes is a meticulous and complex process. If even one small step is done incorrectly, the steel pipes will lose their MIC-prevention capability. We have invested a great deal of time and money in continuous research and development, and after numerous tests, we have finally developed steel pipes that truly prevent MIC. Therefore, our steel fire sprinkler pipes are the only ones globally capable of comprehensive corrosion prevention in wet sprinkler systems. We are the only company in the world capable of producing this type of steel pipe, making it an exclusive supply.

  If the time from project acquisition to installation is short, it's not difficult, as long as you own or rent a warehouse to stock our steel pipes, you can start a business with unlimited potential for future development.

  Our business model is based on product franchising, allowing our franchisees to use and sell our products in designated regionsWe can offer modular products for franchisees to choose from, making the installation of fire protection systems more cost-effective and efficient. With no competitors in the designated regions, our franchisees can avoid price competition, thereby increasing profitability. We welcome fire protection companies, distributors, or interested companies to become our franchise partners.

  If you still need to purchase our Corrosion-preventing fire sprinkler pipes from your distributor, we suggest that you request your distributor to become our franchisee.

  Our exclusive manufacturing process, unique corrosion warranty, and regional franchise system ensure that there is no competition in your market, providing a distinct advantage.

  Modular Installation: If your fire protection company does not have a fabrication shop and you do not plan to outsource fabrication, Module Installation is an excellent option. As long as we create the fire pipe as a module, with drilling at a specific location on a steel pipe of specific length, the installation of small (saddle-Let) mechanical tees to accommodate sprinkler heads, with both ends grooved. When designing the fire system, the fire protection company simply incorporates the modular design. During installation, the modular processed steel pipe is transported to the job site. At the job site, only minimal processing such as cutting a few steel pipe and grooving is required to complete the installation. Our company can manufacture modular processed fire sprinkler pipes.

  We offer ASTM A135/A795 SCH 7,10,40 UL listed external galvanized/internal black hot-rolled steel fire sprinkler pipes in various sizes, including 1-1/2", 2", and 2-1/2".   

  For UL and cUL documents, please contact us. Or Log in UL Product iQ and click the following: 

UL Certification ; cUL Certification

  Here is a picture of Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC).

***How do our pipes prevent MIC?

  After the installation of the fire sprinkler system, water containing aerobic and anaerobic bacteria is introduced into the wet sprinkler system. Following the water filling, some trapped air may remain inside the steel pipes. The oxygen within this trapped air reacts with the iron on the inner walls of the pipes, resulting in the formation of iron rust (debris). Aerobic bacteria can attach to these rough iron rust (debris) surfaces or pre-existing rough debris surface along the waterline. They utilize the nutrients in the organic matter within the debris and the oxygen inside the trapped air to survive and establish biofilms.

  The biofilm formed by these aerobic bacteria creates an environment conducive to the survival of anaerobic bacteria, allowing anaerobic bacteria that are not typically suited for oxygenated water to thrive and reproduce within these biofilms. Most of these anaerobic bacteria are iron-loving bacteria, like Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria (SRB), leading to corrosion (MIC) of the inner walls of the steel pipes and ultimately damaging the steel fire sprinkler pipes.

  The purpose of our steel pipes is to prevent the growth of aerobic bacteria because preventing the growth of aerobic bacteria can also prevent MIC. Organic matter, rough surfaces, and oxygen are essential conditions for the growth of aerobic bacteria, and none of them can be lacking. The oxygen inside the trapped air within the steel pipes cannot be completely eliminated by anyone, so we need to prevent organic matter or rough surfaces to prevent the growth of aerobic bacteria. After the fire protection system is installed, the water introduced into the system may be contaminated by organic matter itself, or all the pipes it passes through (including those of the fire protection system) may be contaminated by organic matter. Therefore, it is difficult for the water in the fire protection system to be free from organic matter contamination. Therefore, completely eliminating and preventing rough surfaces can prevent the growth of aerobic bacteria. Debris satisfies all the conditions for rough surfaces in fire sprinkler pipes. Therefore, removing and preventing debris can prevent the growth of aerobic bacterial. 

  What is the manufacturing principle behind Our Corrosion-Preventing steel fire sprinkler pipes (external galvanized/internal black steel fire sprinkler pipes with no debris and zinc inside)?

  We achieve nearly 100% prevention of aerobic bacteria formation by employing methods such as 1. clearing and preventing debris within the pipes, and 2. the limited quantity of oxygen in the trapped air is rapidly exhausted.

  1. Clearing and preventing debris within the pipes : Our steel pipes have been thoroughly cleaned of debris and organic matter during the manufacturing process, ensuring that there is no presence of debris or organic matter inside the pipes. We apply a special oil inside the steel pipes that prevents aerobic bacteria from attaching and growing on it, to prevent rust (i.e., debris) caused by oxidation with oxygen before the fire sprinkler system is filled with water. When water is introduced into the steel pipes, in cases where there are gaps in the special oil on the inner surface, a reaction occurs between the iron on the inner walls of the pipes and the oxygen inside the trapped air, resulting in the formation of iron oxide (debris) (4Fe + 3O₂ → 2Fe₂O₃). At this point, the zinc on the exterior of the pipes serves as cathodic protection, releasing electrons that combine with the water inside the pipes to produce hydrogen gas (2H₂O + 2e⁻ → H₂(gas) + 2OH⁻). The hydrogen gas inside the steel pipes immediately reacts with the iron oxide (debris) on the inner walls, reducing the iron oxide back to iron and water (Fe₂O₃ + 3H₂ → 2Fe + 3H₂O). In this way, it prevents the iron on the inner walls from rusting(debris) in the presence of oxygen. Without the presence of debris within the steel pipes, aerobic bacteria are deprived of the opportunity to attach and grow on debris.

  2. The limited quantity of oxygen in the trapped air is rapidly exhausted : Moreover, during the process of iron and oxygen combining to form iron oxide (debris) (4Fe + 3O₂ → 2Fe₂O₃), the limited quantity of oxygen in the trapped air is rapidly exhausted(Only 0.005 grams of zinc outside the steel pipe is needed to consume the oxygen inside each trapped air within the steel pipe on average). Subsequently, no oxygen remains within the confined space. This absence of oxygen hinders the survival of aerobic bacteria.

In practice,

  We sold our Corrosion-preventing fire sprinkler pipes to Las Vegas 17 years ago. Two years ago, a casino needed to redecorate and uninstall these pipes. The pipes were checked and found to have no corrosion or biofilm (MIC) inside them after being installed for 15 years.

  If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at: 


WhatsApp: +886-926860875

  There are fire sprinkler pipes made of CPVC material available on the market. While they offer corrosion resistance, their heat resistance typically ranges from 150°C (302°F) to 200°C (392°F). In the event of a fire with temperatures exceeding 200°C (392°F), the entire fire sprinkler system would be rendered inoperable. Generally, fire temperatures surpass 1000°C. Using our Corrosion-Preventing Steel Fire Sprinkler Pipes not only prevents corrosion but also withstands high temperatures, eliminating the need to compromise with CPVC pipes.

   There are additives available on the market that are added to the water inside fire sprinkler pipes in wet systems. However, this method of addressing MIC is ineffective and will have adverse effects. The reasons for this are as follows:

1. Cost: The cost of additives can be relatively high, especially when applied to large-scale pipeline systems.

2. Dependency: Additives require regular reapplication to maintain their effectiveness, increasing maintenance costs and workload.

3. Variety of Anaerobic Bacteria: There are numerous types of anaerobic bacteria, and additives will not be able to completely eliminate all of them. This allows surviving anaerobic bacteria to cause MIC by corroding the steel pipes.

4. Uncertainty of effectiveness: While additives can reduce the risk of microbiologically influenced corrosion, their effectiveness may vary depending on factors such as pipeline materials, water quality, and environmental conditions, and may not be 100% effective.

5. Compatibility issues: Some additives may be incompatible with pipeline materials or other chemicals, leading to problems or damage.

6. Presence of Debris in the Steel Pipes: Debris inside the steel pipes can promote the growth of anaerobic bacteria, leading to MIC. It is difficult to remove debris from typical fire sprinkler systems, so even with additives, it is challenging to effectively prevent MIC caused by debris buildup.

7. Environmental impact: Additives have adverse effects on the environment, such as potentially contaminating water quality, requiring careful handling and disposal.

  In the market, there are fire sprinkler steel pipes with anti-MIC coatings applied on the interior wall like Bullmoose and Wheatland. However, the effectiveness of anti-MIC coatings can be compromised for several reasons:

1. Variety of Anaerobic Bacteria: There are numerous types of anaerobic bacteria, and anti-MIC coatings may not be able to completely eliminate all of them, allowing surviving anaerobic bacteria to cause MIC by corroding the steel pipes.

2. Uneven Application: The application of this coating is not always uniform in terms of concentration and thickness. This non-uniformity can make the coating vulnerable to MIC penetration.

3. Degradation Over Time: Over time, the coating may degrade or wear off, reducing its efficacy. As the coating deteriorates, bacteria find it easier to grow and potentially cause MIC.

  So, the ineffectiveness of anti-MIC coatings can be attributed to the variety of anaerobic bacteria, uneven application, and the natural degradation of the coating over time, allowing MIC-promoting conditions to develop.

 If an existing wet sprinkler system experiences MIC, it indicates that a significant portion of the wet sprinkler pipes within the system is already affected by MIC. This can lead to blockages and water leaks in the fire sprinkler pipes over time. We recommend replacing all the fire sprinkler pipes with our MIC-Preventing steel fire sprinkler pipes to prevent corrosion from recurring. Switching to our product can relieve you from the concerns of corrosion in your wet sprinkler system. Some might suggest using biocides to kill the anaerobic bacteria causing MIC, but biocides cannot entirely eliminate these bacteria from the wet sprinkler system, leading to their resurgence and further corrosion of fire sprinkler pipes.